Google launched its latest version of Android OS, 8.0 Oreo in the last quarter of 2017. Many OEMs have already started rolling it out to their devices. While different OEMs have their own user interface layered on the Android OS, Pixel and Nexus smartphones carry pure Android UI, which is simple and clutter-free.
Motorola and Nokia too use stock Android but that is not as vanilla as the ones found in Pixel and Nexus devices. If you are using one of the smartphones from the OEMs and you want to experience how Android Oreo feels like in your device, follow these steps. It's really easy.
Step 1 - Go to 'Settings'
Step 2 - Search for 'Unknown Sources' and allow the device to download apps from unknown sources.
Step 3 - Go to GitHub page - from the smartphone.
Step 4 - Search for 'Rootless Pixel Launcher 2.1' and tap on 'Launcher3-aosp-debug.apk'
Step 5 - Download the apk file.
Step 6 - Once downloaded, tap on the home button to reach the home screen.
Step 7 - Tap on 'Always' when a prompt is shown for the Launcher3 app.
Step 8 - Generally you'll be done here. However, in some cases you would manually need to enter the settings page, search for the launcher and change it to Launcher3.
Once done, you will see the same translucent app dock that can be scrolled up to access the drawer. The pill-shaped Google search button is also present at the top corner and swiping from left to right will open the personalised Google Now cards, similar to what we have seen in stock Android devices.
Furthermore, you can also see the app shortcuts and notification dots seen, features that come as a part of Android 8.0 Oreo.
It is easy to uninstall the app as well. You can simply navigate to the 'Apps' section in the 'Settings' and tap on 'Uninstall' to remove the app. The home screen launcher will switch back to what was there as a default.
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