Most of the users are very interested in writing a blog to explore their views and interests. Here, you can find the Top 5 successful bloggers in 2019 in India. These guys started their blog in 20’s and now they are rocking the Blogging industry with their successful blogs. Lets see who all are in the list

1. Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal, the man behind the He started the blog in 2004. He has finished his studies at IIT Roorkee in Computer science. Labnol was started as a blogging portal and now they have developed the popular productivity tools including Mail Merge for Gmail and Document Studio. It has been used by millions of users around the world.
Also, they’ve developed projects with Airbus, LinkedIn, Disney and the US Embassy. Google has recently awarded Amit Agarwal is the Google Developer Export title for GSuite and Google Apps Script.
Also, Google has written about Amit Agarwal in their official Adsense Blogspot.
Revenue sources – Adsense, Contextual Ad-network, direct ads through Blogads and IDG Technetworks
Alexa Ranking:
Global – 14,612
India – 1,452
Revenue – $ 60,000/m.

Unique Visitors per day52,159
Unique Pageviews per day71,596

2. Harsh Agarwal

Harsh Agarwal – the Founder of Shout Me Loud. He has started his blogging in 2008 after his college. In the initial stage, he used to write about the technical stuff using Blogspot He was got selected as a Training Engineer in Accenture during his final year. He was joined and quit his job after 6 months.
It is really a tough decision to be taken to convince their parents. Harsh’s first-month income was $ 40. He was met an accident at the age of 22 in 2009. The doctor advised taking bed rest for 6 months. Harsh’s utilize the chance and started to work on his blog dedicatedly. He used to spent 14 hours per day and learn new things day by day and write new things to their audience.
He builds his audience by interacting and collaborating on social media. At present, the annual income of Shout Me Loud will be $ 550K.
Harsha’s main source of income is Adsense.
Revenue Source – Adsense
Alexa Ranking:
Global – 20,961
India – 1,449
Revenue – $ 5,50,000 /Year

Unique Visitors per day32,803
Unique Pageviews per day55,560

3. Shradha Sharma

Sharatha Sharma is the founder and editor of She used to write the success stories of entrepreneurs and businessmen. She has started his blogging in 2008.
YourStory has written the story of up to 60,000 entrepreneurs and helped more than 50,000 entrepreneurs access networking and funding opportunities.
Revenue Source – Adsense, Paid Advertisement
Alexa Ranking:
Global – 7,609
India – 701
Revenue – $ 30,000/Month

Unique Visitors per day63,785
Unique Pageviews per day131,107

4. Faisal Farooqui

Faisal Farooqui is the founder and chief executive officer of This site basically delivers genuine reviews by the end-users on various products, Restaurants, travels, Online websites, etc. has influenced with various top entrepreneurs. Mouthshut has program as Write and Win to make a genuine review of the listed product and get rewards to it. This is the best way to make passive income to the people who are willing to spend at least an hour a day.
Revenue Sources: Adsense, premium membership, paid advertisement, affiliate Marketing
Alexa Ranking:
Global – 5,223
India – 586
Revenue – Around $ 40,000/Month

Unique Visitors per day61,825
Unique Pageviews per day200,594

5. Varun Krishnan

Varun Krishnan is the found and editor in chief at He is reviewing the Mobiles and Gadgets. He promotes the products through their website.
He does not review the phone from the experience of the neighborhood. He bought each phone and use themselves and write a genuine review on it. He almost bought all the mobiles to review. Due to their hardcore subscribers, they have honored as influential gadget blog in the world award and were cited as the most popular telecom site in India in the year 2009.
Revenue sources: Paid Advertisement, Adsense
Alexa Ranking:
Global – 19,129
India – 2167
Revenue – $ 22,000/Month

Unique Visitors per day26,861
Unique Pageviews per day54,351
This blog was published first at RSA Games and you can find more similar blogs at
